Shoreline Keys

East Wing

Easily the most popular key for Shoreline. This key quickly skyrocketed to the best resort key for Shoreline. There are multiple LEDX spawn chances within the bathroom, a computer and a healthy amount of other medical spawns. This key is a consistent money maker. Other players do tend to rush this room, so you’ll need a close spawn to resort if you want to claim this for yourself.

The connected rooms of 222 and 226 are another LEDX staple for Shoreline money runners. There are various weapon spawns, boxes, loose loot spawns, and multiple LEDX spawns that have a high concentration and thus quickly add up to some serious money.

Known as the "Gold Room" this east wing key is another highly rushed location for its high value loot items like Bitcoins and golden neck chains. The room also includes 2 duffle bags that can spawn reasonable value items, but it’s the loose rare items that attract players.

Rooms 308 & 310 aren't big money or anything, but they're always good to have when clearing the locked rooms. Within these 2 conjoined rooms you will find one weapon rack, one weapon spawn, one medcase, loose loot, a DVL-10 spawn, a LEDX spawn, four PCs, a weapon box, a rare spawn, and a backpack spawn.

328 is another possible LEDX spawn room. With the possibility of a LEDX and graphics card, this room is a must have. The room also contains a PC, duffle bag, two electronics spawns, and a weapon spawn.

Another great key to always keep on you when running shoreline, as it is another possible LEDX spawn room. Behind this lock you will find a medbag, medcase, duffle bag, a LEDX spawn, a graphics card spawn, and lose loot.

West Wing

A connected room on the west side of the resort these two rooms offer immense value to players with LEDX spawns, graphics cards, computers and various loot items that make this one of the best west wing keys available in Tarkov.

Another powerful west wing option to have in your secure container with its single, but reasonably consistent, LEDX spawn. This room also provides a potential M4A1 spawn, valuable loose loot, and various grenade/weapon boxes that provide sufficient backup value if there is no LEDX. This is also a task key.

This room is a must have simply for the extremely low, but possible, change of a Red Keycard spawn. I have personally grabbed one out of this room. Inside of these rooms you'll find a Red Keycard spawn, two weapon cabinets, one weapon spawn, loose loot, a weapon box, a duffle bag, and a medbag.

Another powerful west wing option. This room has the potential to spawn a Blue Keycard, a LEDX, and other loose loot. This room is also a quest location, so make sure you always you have it with you.

Other Keys

These two can significantly improve the value of the cottage area by taking the total safes from 2 to 4. With the back entrance key being linked to a quest, it’s value often stays high, unfortunately, but by using it on your Shoreline raids you’ll be able to earn some of the cost back over time.

View the best keys for the location Customs.
View the best keys for the location Shoreline.
View the best keys for the location Factory
View the best keys for the location Reserve.
View the best keys for the location Woods.
View the best keys for the location Interchange.
View the best keys for the location Lighthoust
The Lab
View the best keys for the location The Lab

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